MiniBits: Home Page
MiniBits Project Info


Technical Documentation
Introduction to MiniBits

Early on this year, I decided I needed some way of keeping my car parts in order. Spreadsheets were getting cumbersome and I needed a more permanent solution. In order to do this I decided to create MiniBits (so named because my cars are minis, and also catchy.)

From this starting point, MiniBits has grown, and I now hope to see it further develop into a piece of software useful for small businesses working in manufacturing or repair. Development so far gives a program in the early stages of development, able to cope with piece-part inventory management, work orders and some purchasing functions. There is also limited functionality for dimensional raw materials.

MiniBits was created in Visual Basic 6, and runs using a Microsoft Access database. MiniBits is currently looking for VB developers able to help with this project. For any further information, email Rob. Logo